Leaked: Redditors react as Google Camera 7.4 APK gets leaked

Yes! Google Camera 7.4 APK is leaked. But the more important news is that this leaked news has brought out more info. There is a speculation in the air that Google is probably working on 4K video recording.

With the news of this leaked info, Redditors have shared their concerns and views. 4K video recording at 60fps is making them crazy. They are asking about the release of the Google Camera 7.4 APK. One of them feels that it will be easy to solve Google photo app bugs while editing the x265 video.

They have not left any occasion to make fun of this leaked news. When one of them says that he hopes the link redirects to 2017, another one says that we will be lucky if it does not redirect to 2021.

There are some people who refuse to use any gadget right after their release and wait for others to use them first. So there were such Redditors too. One of them has expressed that people buying gadgets on Black Friday to gain discounts often feel that the features didn’t merit the price point. Hence he will never want to be the guinea pig for beta testing with his own money.

A few of them feel that if Google wants to sell its phone at flagship prices then the gadget must have flagship features. One of them while replying to this says he is actually happy that 4A is priced below the current flagship. He will wait till the upcoming autumn to get the product.

While the above discussions are still on the way, something weird has also surfaced. The Redditors feel that this new phone will be probably using new Quantum Core for Pixel 5, which will be an exclusive feature. But here lies one big news. This Redditor has also expressed that the phone with the new feature will be limited to the US as other counties don’t allow 4K videos to be captured at 60fps.

Well, a lot of them have just rolled their eyes at this bizarre news that other countries cannot have it. But let us not get our face down and rather wait for its release. What say?

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