6 Content pieces that get you links naturally

The benefits of backlinks cannot be overlooked. It is one of the most reliable ranking signals in Google’s search algorithms.

However, earning natural links is one of the most challenging parts of SEO. It requires a lot of time and planning. As a digital marketer, you must know what could (potentially) work and what won’t.

Here are 6 types of content that will help you attract high-value links naturally.

1. Stats Based Post

Good bloggers always back up the claim they make with supporting statistics. They don’t conduct research on their own. Instead, they rely on already conducted analysis and link to them.

However, conducting studies can be one of the most time-consuming tasks. If you can’t research by yourself, you can combine insightful data from credible sources into one massive resource.

Hubspot’s marketing statistics page has attracted links from 10,915 root domains.

Hubspot combines data from various external sources and updates it regularly with new information.

This type of posts can be a gold mine for marketers and bloggers looking for the latest information on various topics.

It’s not necessary to create a list as broad as Hubspot’s, which covers almost all marketing topics. Your post can be as small as this page, which compiles a list of 10 email marketing stats.

Besides, these types of posts have a higher chance of ranking well on the SERPs. The reason stats based post work so well is because people don’t have to switch through websites to know facts about a particular topic.

How to figure out what kind of information to compile?

Determining what kind of information would be valuable to have in one place is crucial. You can’t compile every piece of information (stats) and expect to get links.

There are certain pieces of content that will help you to acquire more links. A well-documented content marketing strategy should be the base of your link acquisition campaign. 

Here are some ways that will help you decide which information you should compile:

  • Examine your high-performing blog posts and figure out what needed a lot of explaining.
  • Review comments on other industry articles and resources to find what people are looking for.
  • Search what kind of stats based posts has been successful for your competitors.

No matter which way you choose, make sure that you compile only the latest information. Good bloggers never link to outdated information.

2. Question Keywords Post

People use Google to find answers to almost everything these days. From learning about something in-depth to looking for simple and direct answers, Google is the primary stream of information for a majority of internet users.

Besides, question keywords posts are more likely to rank higher as a featured snippet. 41% of featured snippets are question-based.

Queries that start with a question such as what or why return a paragraph snippet 90% of the time.

When you answer the right questions, bloggers are more likely to link to your website when writing content on similar topics.

For instance, a post by Search Engine Land which talks about what is SEM and paid marketing has received over 3,224 backlinks from 884 root domains.

The topics that referred to the Search Engine Land’s post include “SEO Tips,” “Does SEM includes SEO,” “The importance of search marketing and web design,” etc.

The primary reason why question-keyword posts get a higher number of backlinks is that people can’t explain every single thing in their content. Hence, they link to question-specific posts, giving new readers an opportunity to understand the topic in-depth.

How to Find Link-Worthy Question-Keywords?

  • Perform Question-Based Keyword Research: Tools like Answer the Public, KWFinder, and Buzzsumo’s Question Analyzer can help you find questions that most of your target audience ask. 
  • Check “People also Ask” in Google search results: Checking people also ask section can give you ideas for your question-based content.

When you click on a question, the question box gets larger. This will give you more opportunities to expand on a topic and answer as many questions as possible in a single blog post.

You can also browse Quora to find questions people are asking related to your industry.

This way, you can identify any information gaps, then look for different ways to address those gaps through question-based content.

3. Video Post

Video post makes information more digestible and easier to understand. Social videos get shared 1200% more than text and images combined.

There are lots of video content you can create such as:

  • Presentations
  • Explainers
  • Vlogs
  • Tutorials
  • Webinars
  • Live streams
  • Product launching videos
  • Live video (on social media platforms) 

Dollar Shave Club’s ad campaign is one of the most viewed and linked videos. Unlike other commercials about shaving blades with all sorts of close-ups, this ad video stares the founder himself. He explains why Dollar Shave Club’s razors are better than the others.

This video alone received more than 26 million views and 19,381 backlinks.

How to Create Videos That Goes Viral?

Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. But, not every video goes viral. There are certain things you must follow while creating videos.

  • Conduct proper research: Before you start crafting content for video, you need to conduct proper research to understand what people like. Look for answers to these questions.
  • What videos perform well?
  • Which ones get the most shares?
  • What sets them apart from the rest?

Ahref’s Content Explorer and Buzzsumo Content Discovery can help you find answers to these questions.

  • Create short videos: The first thing people check is how long the video is. It helps them decide whether to watch it or not. Besides, the shorter videos spread better. Therefore, make your videos as short as possible.
  • Tell a story: People love to hear stories. They’re more likely to share it with their friends if the story is relatable. Don’t forget to use proper copywriting skills to offer something valuable to the readers.

Creating a high-quality video isn’t cheap, but it is worth it.

Bonus Tip: Break your video into smaller parts and promote it on various social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

4. Infographics

Visually appealing images help enhance any message. 40.2% of marketers believe that infographics drive the most engagement.

Infographics are improvised versions of standard images, packed with short facts and stats. They offer an easy-to-digest and easy-to-recall way of presenting content.

Campaign Monitor’s email marketing stats infographics received over 366 backlinks from 208 unique domains.

Tools like Canva can help you create high-quality infographics within minutes. The best part is designing skills are not mandatory. It contains thousands of templates, all you need to do is choose the one that resonates with your content and edit the text.

Here are the two things you need to keep in mind before creating an infographic.

  • Perform research: Platforms like Visual.ly and Pinterest can help you find new infographic ideas and get an idea of the kind of infographics that works for your niche. 

Visual.ly allows you to sort the infographic ideas by Liked, Viewed, and Trending.

  • Create a good design: A high-quality infographic is a must. If you can’t create an infographic by yourself, hire a designer who specialized in it.

Additionally, you can convert infographics into Gifographics. Gifographics are the same as “GIFs”. The only difference is that they offer information to viewers. These will help you attract extra links and social shares.

5. Newsjacking Post

The practice of injecting your ideas into a breaking news story is referred to as newsjacking. When done right, these types of posts can help you generate tons of media coverage and social media engagement.

The popularity of the news goes down pretty quickly. Therefore, you must create content around trending news as soon as possible.

A few years back, Pokemon Go dominated news stories for its augmented reality game. It required a large amount of walking. Muncie Animal Shelter, Indiana, leveraged this by launching a volunteer program called “Pokemon Dogs”.

It asked pokemon players to combine their walking with the shelter’s dogs. The post on Facebook received over 10,000 reactions and 28,860 shares.

Focus on the news that affects your audience or industry. If you are an SEO blogger, writing blog posts as soon as Google makes an update in its search algorithms could be a great way of leveraging newsjacking.

Why? Because as soon as Google makes an algorithm update, everyone in the digital marketing field is going to talk about it.

When you’re one of the first bloggers to post about it, you will not only attract more traffic but you will also be able to generate more inbound links.

Besides, it will prove that you always stay up to date on industry news and updates and that you teach your audience what they need to know about it.

Set up alerts on RSS feed that includes major news outlets and monitor Twitter constantly to find stories to newsjack.

6. Interactive Content Like Tools

Blog posts can be very valuable but not as much as tools. Besides, you can only provide actionable information through blogs, videos, and other forms of content.

Tools, on the other hand, could help your audience solve a problem.

Sadly, very few bloggers or marketers focus on creating tools for their audience.

One of the best examples would be Ubersuggest created by Neil Patel.

This tool helps people find keyword ideas, content ideas, get a domain overview (top pages, organic keywords, and backlinks), and site audit report.

This could be beneficial for bloggers and businesses looking for different ways to boost their position in the SERPs.

This tool alone attracted 205,456 backlinks from 14,961 domains.

The cost of creating the tool depends entirely on its type (niche, features, etc.).

These types of tools will not only help you get a great number of backlinks, but it will also help you generate revenue.

The only concern is that the results are not guaranteed.

You need to understand what your audience wants and analyze the gap in the existing tools before you invest in creating tools.

Creating Content Is Just A Beginning

In content marketing, creating content is 20% and promotion is 80%.

Without a proper content promotion strategy, even great content won’t generate enough links unless you get it in front of the right people.

Actively promoting your content will help you reach a wider audience and attract more traffic, engagement, and backlinks.

Here are a few ways you can promote your content:

  • Break your content into multiple forms: If you create a long-form blog post, divide your content into 10-15 smaller posts and publish it in various platforms (such as social media networks, online forums, and Q&A sites). 
  • Send emails: Email marketing is one of the best ways to keep your subscribers informed and boost your traffic. 
  • Customize the message for each channel: Not every channel is the same. For instance, if you are promoting the content on social media, you can explore new ways of delivering your message. But, when promoting it through email marketing, you need to be a bit more personal (maybe include the receiver’s name).

Similarly, Instagram is all about images and videos whereas you can post the entire article on LinkedIn.

Understand each channel and customize the message accordingly.

  • Reach out to influencers: Influencers in your industry can help you increase your post’s reach. Besides, when an influencer shares your post, it increases your credibility. Thereby, increasing the chance of getting links from other people as well. 

Sites that rank higher are naturally able to acquire more links. Therefore, you must also take steps to make the content rank higher on the search results.

Here are a few things you can do to boost the content’s position in the SERPs.

  • Keep your website fast or else it won’t rank higher in the search results. Use tools like Finteza and Google Page Speed Insights to check page speed. Finteza provides you data for various stages such as median loading time of each resource type, median loading speed by country. It also helps you know when the user was able to view at least something and when the entire page functionality becomes available. 

This will help you understand which resources are slowing down your website.

  • Add security to your website even if you don’t handle customer data. Google prefers HTTPS over general HTTP websites. Buy an SSL certificate, if you haven’t yet. 
  • Use a CDN to keep your site fast. CDN leverages the power of caching to make your site then before and improves the overall user experience. 
  • Make sure that search engine bots can crawl and index your site without any problems. Perform a technical SEO audit once a month to find and fix issues, if any. Tools like SEMRush can help you perform technical SEO audit easily. 

It will give you an in-depth analysis of your site’s technical SEO performance. You can easily detect and eliminate error pages, find duplicate content pages, missing ALT text tags, and other problems.

  • With 2020 approaching, optimizing your website for voice search is more important than ever. In fact, 50% of all the searches in 2020 will be voice-based. Therefore, it can help you rank your content higher in the SERPs.
  • Google has moved to a mobile-first indexing strategy to rank websites. Having a mobile-friendly website can help you attain a higher position in the search results.

Final Thoughts

Link building strategy remains one of the most important and effective ways to attract high-quality traffic.

Apart from creating these 6 types of content pieces, you also need to promote your content to earn links. Sharing your content on social media and reaching out to influencers can help you attract more links organically.

People trust pages that rank on the first page, hence, taking measures to rank your content higher in the search results will also help you get links naturally.

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