WWE Smackdown results and highlights: Nikki Cross becomes #1 contender, Reigns & Uso together, Bayley gets new challenger; all you need to know


WWE SmackDown Live Results: Nikki Cross once again earned the opportunity to face Bayley at Clash of Champions 2020 for the Women’s Championship match. The mystery woman once let everybody confused. Jeff Hardy successfully defended his Intercontinental Championship and many more jaw-dropping segments took place in this latest episode of SmackDown Live.

The latest episode of SmackDown Live kicked off with a tribute image of the 9/11 terror attack. However, the main course of action began with the WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns, who marked his way towards the ring with Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman started things with a little bragging of Champion Reigns until he was interrupted by Roman Reigns’ Championship challenger Jey Uso. Following this cousins’ revelation later they were set up against Sheamus and Baron Corbin in a Tag Team match.

However, on the another segment we had Intercontinental Championship match that took place between AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy where Sami Zayn was also keeping his eyes on that match.

Bayley after attacking her friend Sasha Banks was set all to address WWE Universe for her heinous attack on Banks.


WWE SmackDown results and grade: Roman Reigns and Jey Uso

The latest episode of SmackDown Live kicked off with a tribute image of the 9/11 terror attack. However, the main course of action began with the WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns, who marked his way towards the ring with Paul Heyman. Paul Heyman started things with a little bragging of Champion Reigns until he was interrupted by Roman Reigns’ Championship challenger Jey Uso. Following this Uso says, he is proud of him, what he has achieved week on SmackDown, until he was interrupted by Sheamus and Baron Corbin, after heated chitchat – – Jey Uso and Roman Reigns set up to face of against Sheamus and Baron Corbin in a Tag Team match.

(Grade B)

WWE SmackDown results and grade: WWE Intercontinental Championship – AJ Styles Def. Jeff Hardy ( By Disqualification and still champion Jeff Hardy)

In the ring, AJ attacks Jeff as the referee pulls AJ away. The bell rings and we are under way. AJ runs towards Jeff but Jeff moves out of the way. Jeff with the Twist of Fate. he climbs the top rope but misses the Swanton Bomb.

Jeff with a back elbow, he jumps off the top rope and lands the whisper in the wind. He goes for the cover but AJ kicks out. Jeff goes for the Twist of Fate, AJ counters it slamming Jeff neck first onto his knee. AJ goes for the cover but Jeff kicks out. AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Jeff reverses it and lands a leg drop. Jeff goes for the cover but AJ kicks out. Jeff gets up but as AJ goes for the bad leg but Jeff counters it. Jeff goes for the double knees in the corner but AJ moves out of the way and Jeff lands on his back. Styles on the ring apron but Sam Zayn trips Styles up as the referee calls for the bell. Zayn gets in the ring and hits Jeff with the Helluva Kick.

(Grade B+)

WWE SmackDown results and grade: Lucha Party House Def. Cesaro and Nakamura ( In a non-title match)

Cesaro and Metalik start the match. Metalik runs to the ropes and an acrobatic move brings Cesaro down. Metalik jumps off the second rope and a hurricanrana. Kalisto is tagged in and they double team Cesaro. He goes for the cover but Cesaro kicks out. Kalisto is about to run to the ropes but Nakamura distracts him and Cesaro knocks Kalisto down. Cesaro is tagged in as they double team him. Nakamura knocks Metalik off the ring apron. Cesaro goes for the cover but Kalist okicks out.

We cut to the big screen and The Street Profits are having a party in Cesaro and Nakamura’s Champions lounge. They say that since they are throwing down in the ring, they are throwing down in the lounge. Kalisto rolls Cesaro up from behind and gets the pin.

(Grade C)

WWE SmackDown results and grade: SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley addressing WWE Universe

WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley makes her way down to the ring holding a steel chair. Bayley sits on the chair in the middle of the ring and leans forward. She points at the big screen as we see the clip of last week’s attack including clips from PayBack and SummerSlam.

Bayley says after all that, everyone is asking how Sasha Banks is. Is she feeling better, when she will be back. No one is asking how Bayley is doing, no one is asking how she feels? Do you think it makes me feel good to take that steel chair and destroy my best friend? Well ding dong, yes I did, I loved every single second of it, Bayley says. She says everyone wants answers. Michael Cole wants to know. They want answers, she is full of questions.

Out comes Nikki Cross for her match as Bayley attacks Nikki Cross with the chair.

(Garde A-)

WWE SmackDown results and grade:
Number 1 contender for the SmackDown Womens Championship – Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Cross vs. Tamina vs. Lacey Evans

The bell rings and we are under way. Tamina throws Cross to the outside and Lacey goes after Alexa. Tamina big boots Alexa to the outside. Lacey trips Tamina up. She goes for a right hand but a headbutt by Tamina. In comes Bliss who dropkicks them both down. Alexa with a right hand and a kick taking Lacey and Tamina down.

Alexa with the double knees on Lacey but a big clothesline by Tamina takes Alexa down. Tamina with a suplex onto Lacey. She goes for the cover but Alexa breaks it up. Tamina grabs Alexa as Alexa tries to go for a DDT but Tamina drops her. A big kick by Tamina takes Alexa down. A big splash by Tamina onto Alexa.

Nikki bounces Evans off the top rope and lands a neck breaker. Evans rolls to the outside of the ring. Tamina goes for a super kick, Nikki counters it into a sunset flip and she gets the pin.

(Grade B)

WWE SmackDown results and grade: Otis with Tucker Def. John Morrison with The Miz

The bell rings and The Miz is doing commentary. A back elbow by Otis takes Morrison down. A jaw breaker counter by Morrison but Otis starts to dance. Morrison with a kick but Otis continues to dance. Morrison goes for another kick but Otis lifts him and flips him over. A powerslam by Otis throws Morrison down.

Miz gets on the ring apron as Tucker runs towards Miz. Otis runs towards Morrison but he lands face first. Tucker throws the small lunch box with the contract over to Miz as Miz runs to the back. Otis knocks Morrison down and he hits him with the caterpillar. Otis jumps off the second rope with a big splash. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

(Grade C-)

WWE SmackDown results and grade: Bray Wyatt’s ” Firefly Fun House”

Bray has decorations set up inside and he says there’s something he’s been meaning to say. Thanks to Roman Reigns, something very special is missing from the Fun House. But everyone experiences loss. How you handle loss defines the person that you become. Wyatt goes to a box and says inside is the newest member of the FireFly Fun House. He has overcome so much in his life to make it this far. Please welcome Pasqual the Persevering Parrot. Wyatt opens the box and he tells the Parrot to fly out and say something inspirational.

Wyatt gets angry as he looks at the box and says he probably should have cut some holes in the box. Wyatt throws the box away as the door opens and it’s the mannequin Vince McMahon. He tells Wyatt he has lost the Universal title, he lost the parrot and he lost his trust. He can’t handle the responsibility of the Fun House on his own. Bray asks what he has in mind as Vince welcomes the new special advisor and it’s a walrus and he says his name is Wobbly Walrus. Wyatt looks at the both and says yowie wowi. Vince says this is such good shit.

(Grade C)

WWE SmackDown results and grade: Roman Reigns and Jey Uso Def. Baron Corbin and Sheamus

With both Corbin and Sheamus in the ring, out comes Jey Uso as they attack him. The bell rings with Roman Reigns not out.

Jey and Corbin in the ring as Jey hits him with a kick toe the body. He runs to the ropes as Sheamus trips him up and Corbin hits him with the Deep Six. He goes for the cover as Jey kicks out. Sheamus is tagged in as they double team him. Sheamus slams Jey down onto the mat and Corbin is tagged in. He gets Jey in the corner and stomps on him. Corbin climbs the top rope and goes for a kick but Jey moves out of the way.

Jey climbs the top rope, Roman tags himself in as Jey lands the big splash. He goes for the cover but Jey doesn’t realize that Roman has tagged himself in. Roman with the spear on Sheamus. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

(Grade B+)

The post WWE Smackdown results and highlights: Nikki Cross becomes #1 contender, Reigns & Uso together, Bayley gets new challenger; all you need to know first appeared on InsideSport.

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