WWE RAW results, highlights, recap, videos and grades; Check Raw results 22 September, 2020


WWE RAW Results: “Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

RETRIBUTION storms the ring with new attire and masks. They take down their hoods. The commentators say they have signed official contracts with WWE. Mia Yim under a mask asks WWE management if they thought they were safe because they gave them contracts then they should think again.

The fighting continues because their superstars are motivated for money. They are done being stepped on looking for the imaginary brass ring. Dominik Dijakovic says they are here to destroy WWE and rebuild it in the image of RETRIBUTION. They’ll drain the lifeblood of this company in the WWE Superstars. They are the sickness infesting this hellhole. Dijakovic says the superstars do this to collect their money and take their paydays like whores.

RETRIBUTION will make them pay for their sins because they’re the judge, jury, and executioners.


WWE Raw grade and results: RETRIBUTION vs The Hurt Business:

RETRIBUTION storms the ring with new attire and masks. They take down their hoods. The commentators say they have signed official contracts with WWE. Mia Yim under a mask asks WWE management if they thought they were safe because they gave them contracts then they should think again.

The Hurt Business’ music hits, and they come out to the stage. They remove their jackets and get in the ring. RETRIBUTION quickly clears out of the ring. MVP says they have no heart or chainsaws. They’re not so tough. MVP figured since they got contracts, they would stop running their mouths. MVP says if they want an opportunity, they have one tonight to be on the business end of some hurt. Bobby Lashley says they’re not little kids hiding behind masks. They’ll beat them down and look good doing it.

More RETRIBUTION members show up and surround the ring. A big brawl breaks out. It looks to be 15-on-4. They wipe out the Hurt Business. Dijakovic and Dio Maddin hit Lashley with a double chokeslam.

(Grade B+)

WWE RAW grade and results: #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Tag Team Match: Andrade and Angel Garza Def. Seth Rollins and Murphy vs. Dominik Mysterio and Humberto Carrillo

Andrade gets out of the ring before the action begins. Murphy starts against Carrillo. Murphy takes him down and wrenches the arm. Carrillo twists out and sends him out of the ring. Andrade attacks him from behind and tags Garza in. Garza clubs at Carrillo before tagging Andrade back in. Carrillo sends Andrade into the ropes, but he flies in and poses. Murphy gets in the ring and double-teams Carrillo with Andrade. Carrillo hits Andrade with a big arm drag before sending Murphy to the apron and kicking him off.

Dominik Mysterio tags in and clubs Garza. Mysterio comes off the top rope with a cross-body on Murphy while Carrillo hits a suicide dive on Andrade. Mysterio gets Andrade in the ring for a two count. Andrade fights back, but Mysterio comes back with a sunset flip powerbomb, but the pin is broken up. Garza gets in the ring and punches Dominik. Garza tries to send him out of the ring, but Mysterio comes back with a (sort of) 619. Garza is then knocked out of the ring. Andrade and Murphy brawl. Andrade rocks Murphy with a back elbow, but Murphy responds with a big knee to the face.

Andrade comes back with a wild back elbow on Murphy. Garza tags in and hits the Wing Clipper on Murphy for the win.

(Grade B)

WWE Raw results and grade: WWE RAW Underground:

Kevin Owens is in the ring. Last time he hosted The Kevin Owens Show, he got attacked by Captain Hot Topic (Aleister Black), but he took care of him last week. His guest is someone he would have never thought would be on his show, but 2020 is weird. His guest is Shane McMahon.

Shane McMahon’s music hits, and he walks out to the ring. McMahon thanks him for having him on the show. Owens mentions they fought for two years and he got Shane fired. But tonight they’re going to showcase what McMahon does best: promote. Owens tells McMahon to promote away because he can’t wait. McMahon puts over Dabba-Kato vs. Braun Strowman. McMahon says Owens knows Dabba-Kato well and brings him out.

Dabba-Kato makes his way to the ring. Owens gets up and says he doesn’t care about Raw Underground for tonight. He cares about Raw Underground from two weeks ago. Owens knows Dabba-Kato has Strowman on his mind, but they are going to do this at some point. Until then, here’s something for him to chew on. Owens viciously slaps him in the face. Owens then introduces his second guest, Braun Strowman.

Braun Strowman makes his way to the ring. Shane McMahon says if he wants this fight, it’ll happen on Raw Underground or it won’t happen at all. Aleister Black shows up, sweeps Owens’ feet, and pulls him three times crotch-first into the ring post. Dabba-Kato walks off on Strowman.

(Grade C)

WWE RAW results and grade: Non-Title Match: Keith Lee Def. WWE Champion Drew McIntyre (By Disqualification)

The bell rings, and Lee immediately sidesteps a Claymore Kick. Lee applies a side headlock, but McIntyre fights out and applies one of his own. McIntyre cinches it in, but Lee fights it. Lee lifts him up, but McIntyre wrenches the headlock in more to get back to the ground. Lee pushes him off, but McIntyre slingshots over him. They hit the ropes, but Lee ducks and hits McIntyre with a flying shoulder that sends him over the top rope. McIntyre gets in before being counted out. McIntyre rakes the eyes, and they go outside. McIntyre chops him, but Lee comes back with Grizzly Magnum. McIntyre then responds with a Randy Orton back suplex on the commentary table.

McIntyre clubs Lee and hits a neckbreaker for a near fall. McIntyre attempts a Future Shock DDT, but Lee powers him to the corner. Lee charges, but McIntyre knocks him back. McIntyre runs at him, but Lee hits a one-armed slam for a near fall. Lee gets McIntyre to his feet and punches him before clubbing the back. Lee hits the ropes and hits a clothesline for a near fall. McIntyre holds his jaw in pain. It is still broken. Lee goes for a Spirit Bomb, but McIntyre gets out and hits a Claymore Kick. Randy Orton then attacks McIntyre from behind with some chair shots.

(Grade C)

WWE RAW results and grade: Randy Orton attacks McIntyre and sends message:

Randy Orton shames everyone for thinking he wouldn’t make it to Clash of Champions. Doesn’t his track record speak for itself? 20 years on the roster and he’s never walked away from a title match. He won’t do that anytime soon… but the World Title match at Clash of Champions isn’t exactly a normal match.

Orton gets out of the ring and walks up to the ambulance that is parked next to the stage. Orton opens the back doors and says he took a ride in this very ambulance a few weeks ago. He took not one, not two, not three… well actually three Claymore Kicks. As they were flying down the highway and the sirens were blaring, he was fading out of consciousness.

The feeling came over him is the feeling of being taken out by The Legend Killer. That was what Edge, Christian, Big Show, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, and even Drew McIntyre felt like when he kicked them in the skull. When he came to in the back of the ambulance, he felt a smile. He wasn’t smiling because of the pain. He was smiling because he remembered what he is capable of and remembered what it takes to become WWE Champion. This ambulance represents different things for different people. For some, it represents hope and healing. For others it represents pain, agony, and even death. This ambulance represents to him is his 14th World Championship. Orton tells McIntyre to listen up. At Clash of Champions, he’ll make sure McIntyre takes one more ride in this ambulance. His World Title reign will flatline courtesy of the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment: R-K-O. Orton slams the doors of the ambulance and stares into the camera.

Orton takes the edge of the chair and digs it into the broken jaw of McIntyre. McIntyre screams in pain. Orton then turns to Lee and hits him with a Punt Kick. Orton looks down at the destruction he caused.

(Grade B)

WWE RAW results and grade:#1 Contender’s Match: Zelina Vega Def. Mickie James

A replay is shown of the botched ending to Asuka vs. Mickie James last week. Mickie says she never gave up last week and will never give up on the title.

The bell rings, and Vega kicks Mickie down before talking trash. Mickie grabs her by the hair and whips her down. Mickie swings her around by the hair before backing up. Vega jumps on her back for a sleeper hold, but Mickie pulls her off and kicks her in the face for a two count. Mickie goes for a suplex, but Vega counters into a roll-up for a two count. Vega ducks a clothesline and applies an octopus stretch.

Mickie drops down to a knee, but she powers her up and backs Vega into the corner to break the hold. Vega kicks Mickie in the face, but Mickie blocks it. Mickie goes for a powerbomb, but Vega comes back with a hurricanrana that nearly spikes Mickie on her head. The match slows down for a moment and there’s some mistimed stuff. Mickie comes back with a clothesline and a kick that misses by a mile. Mickie takes her down and kips up. Mickie goes to the top rope and hits a flying Thesz Press for a near fall. Mickie goes for a Mick-DT, but Vega whips her into the ropes. Vega follows up with a backstabber for the win.

(Grade B)

WWE RAW results and grade: Apollo Crews w/ Ricochet Def. Cedric Alexander w/ MVP

The post WWE RAW results, highlights, recap, videos and grades; Check Raw results 22 September, 2020 first appeared on InsideSport.

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