Facebook adds direct share to WhatsApp button in its app

Popular social media platforms and messaging apps such as Instagram and WhatsApp are owned by Facebook. As such all of the virtual platforms owned by the San Francisco based company start with the message, “From Facebook”.

Furthermore, Facebook is trying to integrate all of the social media platforms owned by it into a single platform, not in the sense that the apps will share a single platform but will have interconnections or rather have the sharing option available to all of the apps.

After being under tests for weeks it looks like the Android app, Facebook along with its iOS counterpart is taking a step forward towards integrating WhatsApp with the Facebook app. When we like something on Facebook and want to share it with our friends, Facebook offers us a ‘share’ button.

Now when Facebook first came out, the users could only share something only on this platform. Gradually the social media platform has spread its wings and now the option to share something on different platforms is easily available.

Now the share option comes with its own ‘share it on WhatsApp’ button with a little green WhatsApp icon beside it. Pressing that button obviously does what it was meant to do: sharing the content on WhatsApp.

If a video is being shared, the content of the video will be available on WhatsApp itself and the user does not need to log into their perspective Facebook account to view the content.

However, sharing posts is a little different. Sharing posts that were written on Facebook, but shared on WhatsApp will send the recipient a link, following which the user can see the content only after logging into Facebook.

The share it on Facebook option looks like is here to stay, especially because it makes sharing content with friends and family easier.

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