Museums would like you to know the truth about 'Game of Thrones' Dragonglass


Is there a corner of culture untouched by Game of Thrones? Absolutely not.

In advance of Sunday's Season 8 premiere, museums around the world have been getting in on the Thrones fandom, in the best way they know how: by being extremely helpful and informative! 

In Game of Thrones, one of the few ways to kill a White Walker or wight is with a tool made of Dragonglass — or, as Samwell Tarly informed us all in Season 2, "the Maesters call it obsidian."

To help us all prepare for Winter and the southward march of the White Walkers, museums have been sharing images from their collections and factoids about Dragonglass/Obsidian. Ah, museums: the Maesters of our world! Read more...

More about Museums, Game Of Thrones Season 8, Dragonglass, Culture, and Game Of Thrones

from Mashable

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