Soothe your tired, internet-ravaged eyeballs with an ice-cold gel mask


This is You Won't Regret It, a weekly column featuring recommendations, tips, and unsolicited advice from the Mashable culture team.

I don't know about you, but my eyes are exhausted.

I spend my days scanning hundreds of headlines, furiously scrolling through social feeds, and reading a significant amount of distressing news. My retinas move from phone to computer to television screen to books with very little rest in between, and they're strained as hell.

So one weekend, while leisurely browsing a T. J. Maxx in the suburbs of Connecticut, I decided to treat myself and splurge on a blue eye mask full of gel beads. I'd lived my first 24 years of life as an eye mask skeptic, but since the one in front of me was just $3.99, I went for it. Read more...

More about Beauty, Culture, Relaxation, Eye Mask, and You Won T Regret It

from Mashable

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