Real-life 'Spiderman' given citizenship for rescuing toddler dangling from balcony


When 22-year-old Mamoudou Gassama saw a toddler dangling from a four-story building, he did what few of us are capable of doing: he scaled from the building and saved him.

On Monday, the French government announced that they'd be awarding Gassama, who is a Malian migrant, with French citizenship. He was told of this reward during a meeting with President Emanuel Macron, where he also received a medal for his heroic efforts. 

He's also apparently been offered a job with the fire service — he's clearly got what it takes. Video of the event is like something out of a movie you'd never watch because you'd think it too over-the-top to be real. Read more...

More about France, Rescue, Emanuel Macron, Culture, and Web Culture

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